ATV Safety Week starts in Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan All-Terrain Vehicle Association is celebrating ATV Safety Week.

Having a safe and enjoyable ride is the focus for this year’s safety week by pointing out a few basic safety rules that everyone should follow, like wearing the right equipment.

SATVA General Manager John Meed says current Saskatchewan law says you have to have an approved helmet and eye protection.

“If people are riding quads, wear long pants, long-sleeved shirt, gloves and things like that,” he said. “If you’re going through the bush, you could get scratched up pretty good.”

He added how one of the most important and no brainer rules people need to always remember is to never drink and ride.

“You’re bouncing over things, avoiding obstacles and going down on inclines,” mentioned Meed. “You have to have 100 per cent control of your faculties otherwise there will be tragic results.”

ATV Safety Week runs from June 1st to 9th.

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