(Jamie) Well, That Went By Rather Quickly

Well, here I sit, wearing long pants for the first time in a couple of weeks wondering where in the world did those two weeks go? That’s the thing about vacations. They take so long to come around and then fly by so quickly!

I must admit it was a busy vacation. Of course, the first couple of days were gobbled up by taking care of a list of things my wife wanted me to get done around the house. That part of my summer vacation never changes.

Last week I finally made it out to see the Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum outside of Moose Jaw. We spent nearly two hours there and my granddaughters didn’t say they were bored once! After that it was off to lunch before taking the girls to see the Tunnels of Moose Jaw. We stayed overnight in the Friendly City and even had a pizza party poolside while we rode the waterslide for nearly 3 hours. A tiring, but wonderful day.

There was hardly any oven use over the course of two weeks. I can’t remember one night being at home where we didn’t barbeque. Can’t get enough of that!

I’ve only been back to work less than an hour already and I’m happy to report that everything is running smoothly thus far. The coffee machine is up and running, plus I remembered all of my passwords! You wouldn’t believe how often that doesn’t happen!

Time again to buckle down and put my nose to the grindstone. I know it’s only my first day back to work, but the countdown is already on.

Less than a month until my next week off.

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