Think back to when we were just little kids and how we despised taking naps, but were forced to have them anyway. Now that we’re adults, we can’t wait for nap time! At what point does a nap become a full on sleep, though? I was pretty tired yesterday after a long day at the Gateway Music Festival Saturday night. I got home around 2 a.m., went to bed, and was up shortly after 8 Sunday morning. Naturally I was pretty tired in the afternoon and decided to lay down for a 30 or 40 minute nap, which then turned into a 2.5 hour sleep, complete with wild and crazy dreams!
When I used to host a morning show, napping was essential and usually it would last 60 to 70 mins at most including a TREMENDOUS amount of drooling. Never 2.5 hours! indicates naps can range from 20 minutes to 90 minutes, with 90 minutes being optimum. I’ve talked with friends about this very topic in the past and they tell me they’ve had three hour naps! That’s waaaaaay to long, isn’t?
When I think of naps, I think of 20, 30, or even 50 minutes, but never 2.5 hours! Either way, I woke up feeling refreshed, full of energy, and ready to tackle a grocery shopping trip! Yes, what a wild life I lead.