The city of Regina’s Official Community Plan was open for public review Wednesday at City Hall.
Residents were able to look over the different aspects of the plan, the progress made and what is to come as part of the OCP.
Councillor Jason Mancinelli said it’s important to get involved in municipal matters like this.
“This isn’t something I would have seen 15 years ago for that kind of input, and knowing that we’re changing the society to stop and ask those questions, and and bring in information, I think it’s something important and we should be doing that.”
Regina resident John Strother-Stewart said he was confused on a couple of terms.
“(It’s) probably a matter of definitions of some of the areas, a special study area is one, collaborative planning area is another one, and I’m not quite sure what their ideas are on those things.”
Residents were also allowed to provide written feedback to the city, addressing what they view is good about the plan, as well as what should be improved on.