This school year isn’t even 3 weeks old yet and people are already getting a little impatient at the intersections.
Yesterday I was sitting at the set of lights outside of a school waiting to make a right hand turn. It was a school zone so I couldn’t turn right on the red light because it was during school hours. There were 3 vehicles behind me waiting to make the same turn I was and I just knew that the driver of one of those cars was going to lose his or her patience.
Sure enough I hear a couple of honks, not from the vehicle behind me, but from one of the vehicles further back. I felt like getting out of my vehicle and walking back to whichever driver was honking their horn and pointing to the sign that clearly says no right turns on a red light during school hours. You can honk a million times, I’m not moving until the light turns green.
So, remember people…no right turn on a red light in a school zone during school hours.
And that’s your driving tip of the day from Professor Lewis.
You’re welcome.