There will not be a ban on body rub parlours in the city of Regina.
In a special meeting Monday night, city council voted to stick with the recommendation of Regina Police and city administration, and instead will impose licensing and regulations on the nearly 20 locations throughout the city.
Mayor Michael Fougere said while he voted in favour of the ban, he’s not necessarily disappointed in the outcome.
“I support what council has done, I had my say in it, members of council did as well, (and voted) 6-5 to put in a licensing regime on that one and not to ban, so I’m fine with that.”
Of the 13 delegations on the matter, 12 of which called for an outright ban of the body rub parlours. Despite the result of council’s vote, Fougere said their voices were heard.
“They were very articulate, they were very persuasive, and they had a lot of emotion in what they were speaking about, but this is democracy where members of council are expected to balance different positions and different perspectives, in this case licensing or banning,” Fougere said. “They felt, 6-5, to go forward with the licensing regime.”
City Councillor Lori Bresiciani put forward the motion to ban the body rub parlours, and said she was disappointed to see no representatives from the facilities in attendance.
“If you want to operate in our city, and you’re saying you’re legit, come to council here, and tell us about your business; that’s how we do business in this city,” Bresciani said. “Everyone else showed up wanting a ban, and by not showing it up just shows a disrespect to the community.”
The regulations for the body rub parlours will be put in place by March of 2020.