Saskatchewan farmers made limited harvest progress this past week due to rain and snow.
Provincial crops analyst Cory Jacob says 55 percent of the crop is in the bin, up from 47 percent last week but well behind the average of 82 percent for this time of year.
He says most of the crop is being harvest in tough and damp condition and put in grain dryers.
Jacob says yields are average to above average but quality has suffered from extended wet weather at harvest.
He says estimated average yields are 39 bushels for field peas, 1,413 pounds per acre for lentils, 38 bushels per acre for canola, 23 bushels for flax, 40 bushels per acre for durum, 44 bushels per acre for spring wheat and 65 bushels per acre for barley.
14 percent of the spring wheat is expected to grade number one, while 32 percent will be number 2 and 27 percent number 3.
The largest moisture was in the eastern grainbelt at Moosomin, with 20 millimeters.
Jacob says topsoil moisture is rated 15 percent surplus, 52 percent adequate, 30 percent short and 3 percent very short.
He says strong winds, frost, geese and wildlife caused some crop loss this past week.
Jacob says there are many reports of crops sprouting, bleaching and staining from ongoing wet weather.
Harvest ranges from 71 percent in the southwest to 39 percent in the east central region.