More moose and deer are approaching roads this fall, which is prompting the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and SGI to launch a wildlife safety campaign in the province.
The campaign will display road signage, social media ads and public service announcements over the next couple months to show people the dangers hitting wildlife can pose.
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Chelsea Walters reminded residents to slow down and take extra time with their travels. “Especially if you’re in active wildlife corridors like valleys, somewhere that’s close to trees or tall grass – places that animals want to hide,” said Walters.
She mentioned how the campaign takes place during what’s called “the rut”. It’s a time of year when bucks or males are out looking for mates and aren’t paying as much attention to traffic on roads and highways.
Walters said this campaign is important to Saskatchewan people and may even help save lives.
“There’s two reasons why we’re supporting this campaign. The first being the wildlife casualties, and the other avoiding human injuries or fatalities.”
Last year, 387 people were injured and three people died in just under 13,000 vehicle collisions with deer and moose.