(Jamie) The Same Thing Happens Every Year

The other day I was out doing some grocery shopping and thought it was time to buy some Halloween candy. I grabbed a couple of boxes with 65 chocolate bars in each one thinking 130 should be more than enough, averaging the number of people we’ve had at our door over the last many years.

The reason I don’t like to buy candy too early is because I always end up having to buy more as we get closer to Halloween. The reason? Well, it’s quite simple.

I usually don’t have a craving for sweets that often, but when I know I’ve got 130 mini chocolate bars that I won’t need for another 10 days or so, just sitting around in a box saying “Eat me, Eat me,” I suddenly have a sweet tooth after every meal.

This morning the Lewis household started the day with 125 mini chocolate bars to give out for Halloween. Your math is correct. That’s five less than I started the day with yesterday.

It doesn’t take someone with a major in math to realize that at this rate I’ll be making another stop at No Frills for some more candy before the big day.

Oh well, it’s not like I didn’t see it coming!

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