Dealing with Blue Monday

For some, today is just like any other Monday, for others this, “Blue Monday,” is considered to be the most depressing day of the year.

Loreen Wales, an Edmonton-based registered dietitian says with shorter days, cold weather, and with Christmas over and done with for another, some people feel stressed out.

She says most of the people she talks to, don’t even think that they actually matter.

Wales says, if we don’t think we matter, we’re not going to engage in the self-care that we need. That self-care includes eating healthy and getting a good amount of sleep.

Wales says, no matter what country your from or what your cultural background is, you matter.

When it comes to sleep, Wales suggests you stop watching TV or looking at your phone an hour before bed; and, if you’re worried about your to-do list for tomorrow, you can write it down on paper an hour before you go to bed. She says this will allow your mind to relax.

Other reasons behind why today is considered the most depressing day of the year is due to the fact that many people may have broken their New Year’s resolutions and that the post-holiday credit card statement has likely arrived in the mail.


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