(Jamie) Arguments Can Happen At Any Time Of Day

This morning on my way to work I was driving down 4th Ave. approaching the intersection at Lewvan Drive. There was a couple walking along the same stretch. The female was walking about 10 feet in front of a male who was waving his arms in the air and didn’t look happy. The couple appeared to be having a bit of a tiff.

Being the nosey guy I am I rolled down my passenger window a bit as I came to a stop at the red light so I could hear what was going on. Sure enough this couple wasn’t having one of it’s better mornings. She was crying and calling this guy every name in the book. He was yelling back that he doesn’t care anymore. The expletives they were belting out rivaled George Carlin’s “seven words you can’t say on TV.” They had a lot more than seven. Carlin could have learned a word or two from these people.

For the only time in my life I wished the red light would have lasted a little longer, but it was not to be. The light turned green and, for me, the show was over. For them, it’s probably still going on.

I hope they’re able to work things out. After all, it’s less than a year until the next Valentine’s Day.

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