The NDP is raising concern about the lack of space in emergency and secondary shelters for women fleeing domestic violence.
Opposition critic Nicole Sarauer says each month 600 women in this province fleeing interpersonal violence are turned away for lack of space at shelters.
Advanced Education minister Tina Beaudry-Mellor says the province has taken several legislative steps to help women fleeing domestic violence.
She says the province is looking at changes to prevent violence.
She also wants to ensure access to social housing from the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation for women fleeing domestic abuse.
The opposition in the Saskatchewan legislature is also raising big concern with construction of the new hospital in North Battleford.
NDP critic Cathy Sproule says the roof and exterior have needed to be fully replaced and the work will not be done until the summer of 2021.
Central services minister Ken Chevaldayoff says short term problems are being rectified but not at the expense of taxpayers.
He says the project will save taxpayers 15 million dollars on the construction and 90 million dollars over the 30 year operation of the facility.