First Nations around the province are putting their own measures in place to help stop the spread of COVID -19 in their communities.
Chief of Pasqua First Nation, Todd Peigan shared that several First Nations, including his own, have set up security checkpoints on their borders to limit the amount of travel to and from the community.
Peigan says that in the evenings, entrance to Pasqua First Nation is limited to members only because he says its hard to monitor what visitors have done in terms of travel and social distancing.
In addition to the checkpoints, Peigan says he is asking his members to be vigilant in reporting cases of someone who should be self-isolating who isn’t and asking people in the community to help those that are.
“In doing this, we assure them that it’s about safety, and the protection of the rest of the First Nation, and doing whatever we can,” said Peigan.
The Chief added that every First Nation’s goal is to prevent community transmission of COVID-19 on their reserves.
“That’s what First Nations are worried about, and Pasqua First Nation is no different,” said Peigan. “We’re trying to prevent that; we’re trying to minimize any impacts by doing what we have to do.”
Peigan added that the restrictions that the federal and provincial government have laid out so far are necessary, but they need to do more.
“They need to take more extreme measures, because when they make that hardcore decision, unfortunately, its going to be too late.”