Saturday morning I was up bright and early, as I always am. I grabbed the newspaper from the mailbox, made myself a delicious cup of hot coffee, and settled onto the couch. That first cup of coffee is always the best one of the day. I had a few things I wanted to get done in the yard that day and it looked like Mother Nature was going to be very generous with the sun, but that was still hours away.
I had the TV turned onto a news station and was listening to that while I was reading the paper and sipping my coffee. I’ve turned into quite the multitasker!
Like everyone, I’m getting pretty damn tired of hearing all the doom and gloom about COVID-19. Is there no good news about this pandemic that the news stations are totally missing? I thought I’d find out and discovered that, yes, there is some good news that we’re not hearing about for some reason.
First off, China had recently closed the last of it’s 16 temporary hospitals it had built to deal with the sudden surge of patients during the pandemic. I thought that was certainly a bright spot, considering how hard China was hit with this. I never once heard a story about that.
The Dutch newspaper NL Times reported that “a team of ten scientific researchers from the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and Utrecht University” reported that they discovered an “antibody capable of fending off an infection by the Covid-19 variant of coronavirus.”
The Montreal Gazette reported on March 13 that the country’s scientists were making progress on COVID-19 research as they were able to isolate a copy of the coronavirus.
“A team of Canadian researchers from Ontario has isolated and grown copies of the coronavirus, the agent responsible for the outbreak of COVID-19 that has spread worldwide,” the Gazette said. “The isolated virus will help researchers in Canada and across the world develop better diagnostic testing, treatments and vaccines, and to gain a fuller understanding of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).”
Scientists all over the world are working on this. It’s not a matter of “if” they’ll come up with a vaccine, it’s a matter of “when.”
Although the present might seem bleak, the future looks very bright. If we all keep doing what we’re doing and leave the rest to science, we’ll be out of this sooner rather than later.
And, for goodness sakes, try to look for the good news on the horizon. Quite frankly I’m getting pretty darn sick about hearing all of the negatives!