Yesterday morning a listener called in with an idea he thought would work to keep people 6 feet apart in the grocery store.
He noticed there was no social distancing while people were shopping. While you’re going one way down an aisle in a grocery store and two other shoppers are coming at you the other way, the moment you pass each other, there goes your social distancing. Instead of 6 feet apart, you’re suddenly only a foot or two from the other shopper. The guy’s got a point.
When that happens to me I just scoot by the other shopper as quickly as possible and make the best of a bad situation.
So, the listener suggested one way lanes. That way you can keep your distance behind the shopper in front of you.
The minute I posted that possibility on Facebook, people were all over it, with most in favour. Others were quick to point out the flaws with that scenario, and there were a few.
Short of traffic lights and a couple of cops to enforce “one way” shopping, I really don’t think you could put that into practice. I applaud the listener for trying to come up with something to make it a little safer for all of us to do our shopping.
The say necessity is the mother of invention. I’m sure there’ll be some great new ways to do things by the time we’re on the other side of this thing we’re going through.
Keep thinking!