Yesterday afternoon I was watching some TV while my wife was out in the backyard playing with the dog, when our doorbell rang.
I went to the door and found a younger man wearing a face mask and gloves. I noticed he had dropped his bike about halfway between our door and the sidewalk. When I asked how I could help him asked if Miles was here. I told him there is no Miles at this address. After I told him what block he was on he thanked me and then grabbed his bike and took off.
A couple of hours later there came another ring of the doorbell. I thought to myself, “What is this, Grand Central Station today?”
A young lady had rang the doorbell and then backed off our front steps and waited for me to come to the door. When I asked her what she needed she replied, “I’m here for the headphones?” “What headphones?,” I asked. “The headphones,” she repeated. She then asked if this was the right address. I told her the address was right, but I had no idea what she was talking about.
She had a bit of an accent, but what I gathered was she was buying some headphones from someone over the internet and that person apparently gave her our address.
She looked a little surprised and a little miffed. I was a little miffed as well. That was the second time I had to get up from watching some shows I had recorded and I didn’t feel like running back and forth to the front door all afternoon.
After she left with a look of bewilderment, I got back to watching my shows and wasn’t bothered again for the rest of the afternoon.
It was strange day for visitors.