CFL asking Ottawa for $150 million in financial aid

The Canadian Football League is asking the federal government for up to $150 million in financial assistance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CFL Commissioner Randy Ambrosie told The Canadian Press on Tuesday that the league’s proposal involves three phases: $30 million now to manage the impact the novel coronavirus outbreak has had on league business; additional assistance for an abbreviated regular season; and up to another $120 million in the event of a lost 2020 campaign.

The CFL hasn’t given up on staging a 2020 season but it has postponed the start of training camps — which were to open next month.

It has also and pushed back the beginning of the regular season — which was scheduled to begin June 11 — to early July, at the earliest.

Many provincial governments already have said there will not be sports events with large crowds this summer.

The Grey Cup is scheduled for Nov. 22 in Regina.

(Canadian Press)

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