Are you dealing with creeping bellflower in your yard? (Cody)

This past weekend was an incredibly busy one around the Glydon bachelor pad thanks to nice weather and the itch to get out and do some gardening. While preparing the flower beds I noticed that creeping bellflower is a real problem in many yards, not just mine. What a terrible weed to try and deal with. The flowers may look nice, but their devastation on vegetation around them is significant.

It starts out as a green broad leaf weed that quickly spreads thanks to thin vine-like roots that link to a massive and hearty root about a half a foot or more below the surface. The root itself looks like a small parsnip when dug out.

Currently my backyard looks like a driving range full of people who have never tried golf before! I have divots all over my once nice backyard as I dig out the creeping bell flower roots.

I am told the only real effective way is to physically dig these things out by hand, which is proving to be exceptionally hard labour resulting in very sore joints today. If there are other effective and less evasive ways of dealing with this noxious weed, feel free to email me the details.

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