Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe announced his party would improve services for D/deaf and Deafblind people in Saskatchewan if re-elected.
Moe said his goal is to make Saskatchewan the best place in Canada for persons living with a disability.
“In our recent budget, we announced new supports for D/deaf and Deafblind person in our province,” said Moe. “If re-elected, your Saskatchewan Party government will continue to increase those supports over the next three years.
Deafblindness is the combined loss of vision and hearing. Deafblind peoples can be helped by trained professionals, called intervenors, who act as their eyes and ears.
The Sask Party already committed to funding one deafblind intervenor, one ASL interpreter, two sign support professionals, the enhancement of the 24-hour interpreter line to include access to intervener services.
The new supports promised, include three additional deafblind intervenors, three new ASL interpreters, one additional sign support professional, and one case manager.
Moe says the cost when the program is fully implemented will be $1 million per year.