Orange means go for trick-or-treating in Bethune

The Village of Bethune is doing a unique program to ensure kids in their area can have a somewhat normal Hallowe’en during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The village is giving orange flags to property owners who are wanting to hand out candy on Hallowe’en night as a signal to kids treat-or-treating that night.

Councillor Chris Lloyd says it’s an easy way to determine who is and isn’t giving candy this Hallowe’en.

“If you want to hand out candy, put an orange flag out in the front of your yard,” said Lloyd. “That’ll simply not knowing who is or isn’t handing out candy. It’s for kids to see the flag there, come on up and there’ll be candy handed out.”

Lloyd says some communities have expressed interest the orange flag program, something he says Bethune’s council discovered in another community nearby.

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