The final crop report of the year in Saskatchewan says harvest is more than 99 percent complete across the province.
Harvest is well ahead of the 5 year average of 88 percent for this time of year.
The majority of crops are within the top two grades due to good, dry combining weather this fall.
Crop yields vary, depending on moisture.
Overall, yields are average with some areas above average.
Extreme dryness and summer heat stress affected some yields.
Average yields are estimated at 46 bushels per acre for spring wheat, 67 bushels for barley, 37 bushels for canola, 39 bushels for peas and 1,475 pounds per acre for lentils.
Topsoil moisture remains a concern, with the soil moisture rating at 25 percent adequate, 42 percent short and 33 percent very short.
Due to drier than normal weather, the number of acres seeded to winter wheat and fall rye is below normal in most areas.
Average hay yields on dry land was 2.3 tons per acre for alfalfa, 1 ton per acre for tame hay, and 1.9 tons for greenfeed.
Most livestock producers indicate they will have adequate winter feed supplies.
However, some producers in dry areas in southern and central regions will have feed and possibly water supply shortages this winter.