Advance polls for Regina municipal election begin next week

Regina voters are being encouraged to take advantage of advance polls for the 2020 municipal and school board election.

Elections Regina will set up advance polls at five locations across the city from November 2 to 4. All polling stations will be wheelchair accessible.

(Courtesy of City of Regina)

Jim Nicol, city clerk and returning officer for the election, said the drive-thru poll will make its return during advance polling. It will be located next to city hall where drivers can vote from the comfort of their vehicle.

“They will drive down Smith Street, be invited into one of the lanes and be approached by a poll worker who will check their voter information card to reconcile with their requisite identification,” explained Nicol.

COVID-19 protocols will be in place for voters who visit any polling stations. Nicol went as far to say that these locations will be the safest places people can go due to their comprehensive safety regime in place.

“There will be hand sanitizers, there will be masks available for people who didn’t bring a mask,” he described. “Everything will be sanitized before and after you use them. We’re very confident that it is safe.”

Returning Officer for the election Jim Nicol. (Photo: Moises Canales/620 CKRM)

Nicol mentioned another option for voters if they do not want to visit the polls on election day is to request a mail-in ballot.

He said there has been a huge uptake for vote by mail packages this year, however there isn’t much time left for voters that have yet to send in their requests.

“In a typical year, we may get between 80 to 120. But as of [Friday] morning, I believe the numbers were close to 4,600 or 4,700,” said Nicol.

“You can still apply for a mail-in ballot, but it takes time to process it, get to you via mail courier and back to our office. It has to be in our office by 8:00 p.m. on November 9 to be counted.”

Voters who have to self-isolate due to COVID-19, they are encouraged to call the Elections Regina office so arrangements can be made. Nicol said everyone should have an opportunity to vote.

More information on the municipal and school board election can be found at Elections Regina’s website.

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