Warmer temperatures this weekend mean a lot of water will be pooling as the melt begins.
With that being the case, the city is reminding homeowners of a few things to protect your property from spring flooding.
Outside the Home:
• Clear snow at least six feet away from the foundation.
• Extend all downspouts and sump pump hoses at least six feet away from the foundation.
• Remove any debris or snow from any window wells.
Inside the Home:
• Test sump pumps and backflow prevention valves to ensure they are working properly. If you do not have either of these, consider installing them.
• Remove items that are blocking the water drainage pathway to the floor drain.
• Store valuables in watertight containers or raise them off the basement floor.
• Store hazardous materials in watertight containers or remove them from the basement.
• Raise electronics off the basement floor.
City crews started opening blocked and frozen storm drains, but with over 22,000 storm drains in the city, residents are encouraged to help keep meltwater flowing freely by clearing snow, ice and debris from their neighbourhood storm drains. Every open drain provides an additional path for melting ice and snow to enter the storm drainage system.
Residents are reminded to stay safe and keep their children and pets away from storm channels, creeks, retention ponds and Wascana Lake as the ice melts.