Regina Executive Committee approves hiring of consultant for Dewdney Corridor improvements

Regina’s Executive Committee voted to enter a contract with a consultant to help plan the rejuvenation of the Dewdney Avenue Corridor.

The improvements to the corridor will include beautification and repairs to plumbing and other infrastructure.

Mayor Sandra Masters says despite proposed plans for a baseball stadium, the project is about the street itself.

“It’s about going into the ground and replacing some of the services that are in place, some of them are 100 years old,” said Masters. “And on the other side of Dewdney Avenue, to replace sidewalks, lighting fixtures to create a better pathway for both active transportations, as well as pedestrian walkways.”

Masters says before any major projects can start; they need to make sure the street can handle it.

“It’s about the work and the services necessary to support the growth,” said Masters. “But also, to replace aged infrastructure under Dewdney Avenue for the Warehouse District itself.”

The project is expected to cost around $14 million, with the consultant accounting $1 million of that.

The cost of the project will be split up three ways between the federal, provincial, and municipal governments.

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