With the Riders coming back, there will certainly be an influx of people converging to a sold out Mosaic Stadium for the first time since 2019.
Regina Mayor Sandra Masters says while she’s excited for the season, she’s also nervous. She says she wants people to be safe, adding the slowing rate of COVID vaccinations has been frustrating as of late.
“Between the ages of 12 and 30, we have less than 50 percent of the population vaccinated, we need that number to get up there because the science is in that two vaccinations actually protects really quite well against the delta variant, against COVID-19, against the serious implications of contracting it.”
Ahead of the big game, Regina Mayor Sandra Masters reminds residents to be mindful that this the first event with this kind of crowd post-COVID-19.
“Not everybody is in the same frame of mind, and we have to be kind, we have to be respectful, and patient and allow people who have a different sense of safety and a different sense of risk to the space they need and respect for masks,” Masters said. “We need to continue to practice that because we’re not over this.”
Mosaic Stadium will not require proof of vaccination for entry into the game, but other stadiums such as Winnipeg’s Investors Group Field will require proof of both doses upon entry into Blue Bomber games.