The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation says the Government of Saskatchewan’s recent funding boost creates significant disparities between school divisions.
STF President Samantha Becotte said that all school divisions are still underfunded, and the one-time funding still needs to solve any problems.
“Despite the disparity in how this money was allocated, there still are no winners. While urban divisions fared better, every school division in the province is drastically underfunded, and students are paying the price,” she said. “Overcrowded classrooms lacking support for complex student needs is not just an urban problem. These issues are impacting schools across the province, including rural schools.”
According to the STF, some school divisions may receive enough funding to maintain last year’s “status quo.” However, others, like the Prairie South School Division and Chinook School Division, still face dire shortfalls of $3 million and $2.5 million for their upcoming school year budgets.
“This is $40 million for a $400 million problem. It is a deliberate, political choice,” Becotte said. “Saskatchewan has a $1 billion surplus; the government just announced record-breaking exports in 2022 of $52.6 million and has managed to find $57 million for the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre. Meanwhile, schools that already exist and have registered students are left scrambling to try and support students.”
Becotte also criticized the government’s timing in announcing the project, stating that the government chose to play politics and create the impression that they were responsive and solving a problem.
“This announcement follows 3,500 people gathering at the Legislative Building to let this government know that enough is enough. It is clear that political pressure works, rallies work, and we need to keep the momentum going to hold this government to their responsibilities for our students and families.”
Becotte added that Saskatchewan teachers are committed to advocating for public education until the government starts taking concerns seriously.