If you still have your Christmas tree taking up space at your house, The Scouts of Regina are here to help. They are once again running their annual Christmas Tree Pickup service Sunday as well as next Saturday, January 13 for a donation of $12.Grant Vogelsang from the 2nd Regina Scouts says this has become a bit of a tradition in Regina.
“We use the funds for going to various camps. Youth can actually earn what we call Scout Funds by participating,” Vogelsang said. “Those funds go into a Scout Account if you want to call it that, that can be used for paying for camps, jamborees, even camping equipment.”
Vogelsang says the Scouts continue to do this every year partly because of the service it provides.
“We get a lot of really good comments (every year),” Vogelsang. “We get people coming out of their doors thanking us for providing this service. We have a lot of fun doing it.”
Vogelsang says this serves as a fundraiser for many camping trips throughout the year, but may also give kids a chance to see the world through Scouts.
“This summer, there’s a jamboree in Victoria that runs every four years, in 2022, we went to Finland (for a Jamboree),” Vogelsang said. “We’ve been to world jamborees and national jamborees, there’s a big group from Canada heading to Iceland this year for a jamboree.”
The online form can be found at ReginaScoutTree.ca. Over 100 of the trees will be repurposed for Frost Regina coming up at the end of the month.