The City of Regina is continuing the second year of its 167 million, three-year construction project to expand its water network.
The project includes building a new water pumping station, storage reservoirs and an 8.4-kilometre water supply main.
The Water Network Expansion Project is a major project that will enable the city to continue meeting current and future residents’ water pressure and storage needs while also providing a long-term solution to support growth when completed.
Work on the project for the 2024 construction season will include multiple phases and will run between March and November.
The city says that drivers should expect regular closures, lane restrictions, and speed reductions along sections of the Ring Road between Pasqua Street North and Ross Avenue, noting that, at times, multiple restrictions may be in place at once.
The first significant traffic impact starts on March 25. It includes a speed restriction for about two weeks on Ring Road between McDonald Street and Ross Avenue.
The city adds that residents should visit Regicitya/roads for up-to-date traffic restrictions and The Water Network Expansion webpage at Regina.ca/waterexpansion for more information about the project.