Nature Is Calling!

How cool is this? I love the idea and the proceeds are going to help with conservation efforts around the world.

Nature can now earn song royalties. An initiative called Sounds Right got streaming platforms like Spotify to make the word “Nature” an official artist.

Just imagine, every rustle of leaves, chirp of a bird, and babbling brook now has the opportunity to be recognized and appreciated in a whole new way. Nature has been creating beautiful music for centuries, and now it finally has the chance to be credited for its incredible compositions.

So next time you’re out on a hike, camping under the stars, or simply taking a stroll through a park, take a moment to listen to the symphony of sounds around you. You never know, you might be hearing the next big hit from Nature itself!

Now nature sounds used in certain songs will earn royalties, and all that money will be put toward conservation efforts around the world. They say it could raise $40 million in the first four years.

The first “Nature” playlist on Spotify includes remixed songs by David Bowie, Ellie Goulding, and others.

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