Cloudy with some light snow possible

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
Cloudy with some light snow possible as the night progresses – little accumulation   Wind: W-NW increasing to 20-40 km/hLow: -12° may rise60%
A few flurries around in the morning, otherwise lingering cloudiness with perhaps some in and out sun in the afternoon – Turning colder – Brisk winds   Wind: NW 25-50 km/hHigh: -9° fall to -17°50% AM
Tuesday Night
Partly cloudy skies, quite cold   Wind: W-NW 15-25 km/hLow: -28°20%
Staying quite cold with a mixture of sunshine and cloud cover   Wind: W-NW 10-20 km/hHigh: -23°0%
Partial sunshine, not quite as coldHigh: -17°20%
Turning mostly cloudy, temperatures moderate a littleHigh: -8°0%

Normal High: -8°                Normal Low: -19°

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