Souls Harbour Rescue Mission (Audio)

Having friends, family and a home environment are very important any day of the year, but especially when it comes to occasions such as Christmas season. You may be in a situation where you recently lost your job or that second income that helps to pay the bills. Perhaps you’ve just moved leaving you leaning on savings for the 1st month’s rent & damage deposit due. There are many reasons we find ourselves in a tough spot. There is no shame in asking for help. Regina does have agencies that will help, ultimately you also have to work on some ways to break away from the situation you might find yourself in.

The hand up can be found through a number of different agencies in Regina and surrounding areas. I am a believer in what Souls Harbour Rescue Mission does for this community.

Their Mission Statement reads: To Rescue people from poverty and addiction by offering the Gospel message through emergency help, such as food, clothing and shelter, and Life Changing Recovery Programs.

If you have ever attended the Love Thy Neighbour banquet held in May, you would see and hear how much the facility has meant to people who are trying to see past the barriers that have been given. Women and men that have worked at getting through their addictions and poverty to find a new way of looking at their life. The community of Regina, through individual and corporate donations has helped with the new building and fundraising activities over the years. But as many other organizations, Souls Harbour continues to ask for help during the month of December.

We had a chance to chat with Kathy Ingram about the activities of Souls Harbour Rescue Mission and what it takes to have them continue. Of course that is help from you. She had an interesting spin on the postal disruption and how it affects the mailing of tax receipts. If it is stuck in the mail and you don’t get it processed with a 2024 mark, it will be used for your 2025 stamp. The message then is, if you drop off a donation you’ll get a receipt and maybe a tour of the facility. I think you will understand the work that is being put into the community. Kathy has numbers for the turkey meat that will be prepared, potatoes peeled, dressing, veggies and pies that will be fed to the Christmas guests. It is an undertaking that is pulled off by those that believe in helping their fellow man.

Harvard Media has helped with preparation of meals before. There is something very special when it comes to helping others. I hope that you consider doing a solid and listen to Kathy’s story about what groups like Soul’s Harbour Rescue Mission are facing in 2024.

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