“NightBitch” by Rachel Yoder

I have been seeing previews, and memes, and quotes from NightBitch a lot. I’ve definitely sent a few of them to my friends. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I started listening to the audio book last week and I have devoured it! No pun intended.

The novel written by Rachel Yoder was published in 2021. The story follows an unnamed mother, an artist turned stay-at-home mom, who begins to suspect she’s turning into a dog. “Nightbitch” delves into the primal and often untamed nature of motherhood. It’s a bold exploration of identity, female rage, and the struggle to reconcile one’s passions with the demands of parenting. Yoder’s prose is both darkly comedic and poignantly relatable, making it a must-read for anyone who’s ever felt like they’re losing themselves amidst life’s chaos.

This book resonates with me so much, being only a few years out of maternity leave. If you have kids, I highly recommend it. If you don’t have kids and are thinking of having them … I highly recommend it too. It is a perfect insight into what it is like being a mother!

I need to watch the movie! -Tonya Cherry-

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