Tonya Cherry

Oh, the Misery of Mosquitoes!

Oh, the Misery of Mosquitoes!

Jul 22, 2024 | 5:45pm
Ah, mosquitoes—the tiny vampires of the insect world. Originating from the warm, damp climates of Central Africa, these annoying critters have now spread their itchy reign across the globe. Their lineage can be traced back some 226 million years, proving mosquitoes are more than just a modern-day nuisance; they are seasoned veterans in the art […]
The Faces and Voices of Sask Ag Today.

The Faces and Voices of Sask Ag Today.

Jul 19, 2024 | 7:14am
These guys! GX94 Ag Director Doug Falconer and CKRM AgriNews Director Ryan Young brought you a special edition of Sask Ag Today all this week live from Ag in Motion. We’ve teamed up our Ag shows and our Ag directors. And look at those smiles. I think they had a good time. Ryan and Doug […]
Sask Ag Today Live from Ag in Motion – Behind the Scenes

Sask Ag Today Live from Ag in Motion – Behind the Scenes

Jul 18, 2024 | 4:09am
It takes a lot of work putting on a huge show like Ag in Motion. I like watching videos and seeing pictures of the behind the scenes of events like these. So I’ll share our behind the scenes of Sask Ag Today at Ag in Motion. To your left, the behind the scenes dream team. […]
Laundry, Laundry, and More Laundry

Laundry, Laundry, and More Laundry

Jul 15, 2024 | 8:48am
Laundry, it never ends. I know that is redundant to say, and everyone has to do laundry, but man, do I ever hate it. The mere thought of it is enough to make me want to hide under a mountain of yet-to-be-washed clothes. It’s a never-ending cycle that seems to inhale my free time like […]
 “The Sweet Legacy of Cherries: A Fruit Lover’s Delight and a Family Name to Cherish” 

 “The Sweet Legacy of Cherries: A Fruit Lover’s Delight and a Family Name to Cherish” 

Jul 11, 2024 | 1:20pm
Cherries hold an esteemed spot in the world of fruits, often celebrated for their vibrant flavor and countless benefits. Their journey begins in ancient Persia, now Iran, where cherries were first cultivated over 2,000 years ago. They quickly captured the hearts of traders and explorers, eventually making their way through Europe before landing in North […]
The Unmatched Culinary Brilliance of My Eldest Sister

The Unmatched Culinary Brilliance of My Eldest Sister

Jul 10, 2024 | 8:48am
Growing up, I always looked up to my eldest sister, not just as a guide and mentor, but as an incredible cook and baker. From a very young age, she showed an unparalleled passion for the culinary arts. Whether it was whipping up a hearty meal or crafting delicate pastries, her skills were and continue […]
The Flower Chronicles: Blooming Under My Mom’s Green Thumb

The Flower Chronicles: Blooming Under My Mom’s Green Thumb

Jul 3, 2024 | 11:36am
The family went for a bike ride last night to my mom’s house. Riding up I was hit with how beautiful her flowers are, all in bloom. I had to of course stop to take a picture and make a video, and whine about my flower envy to all of you. Talk about garden goals […]
The Sask Ag Today crew at Canada’s Farm Show in Regina

The Sask Ag Today crew at Canada’s Farm Show in Regina

Jun 18, 2024 | 2:23pm
This week the prairies come alive with the hum of machinery, the buzz of conversation, and the scent of freshly tilled earth as Canada’s Farm Show takes center stage in Regina, Saskatchewan. An annual pilgrimage for farmers, agronomists, and agri-businesses, this iconic event is a testament to the enduring spirit and innovation of Canada’s agricultural […]
Beliefs as a Child, Realities as an Adult

Beliefs as a Child, Realities as an Adult

Jun 14, 2024 | 9:58am
As children, our imaginations run wild, and we often hold onto ideas and beliefs that seem entirely plausible in our youthful minds. It isn’t until we grow up that we realize the truths of the world can be quite different from what we once thought. Here are some fascinating examples of childhood beliefs held by […]