Ag Canada

Price forecast for canola drops once again

Price forecast for canola drops once again

Dec 20, 2024 | 11:31am
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has dropped its canola price forecast for the current crop year. This has ramifications for what the canola price will be for the crop insurance program. Every month, the Market Analysis Group of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada releases an Outlook for Principal Field Crops. In the December 19 report, a number […]

Wheat research gets big boost from prairie farmers

Oct 20, 2020 | 4:22am

Wheat research is getting a big boost from Saskatchewan farmers. The Manager of SaskWheat and President of the the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition says prairie groups are providing $22.6-million to Agriculture Canada’s wheat variety development program. Harvey Brooks says the five year support ensures farmers will benefit from new wheat varieties for years to come. […]

Agriculture Canada forecasts higher wheat and lower canola acreage in 2020

Jan 28, 2020 | 7:00am

Agriculture Canada is predicting a slight increase in area seeded to crops and overall higher crop yield this year. Agriculture Canada says wheat and coarse grain seeded area will see a small rise this year, while oilseeds, pulses and special crops area will decline. The forecast says crop yields will rise about 2 percent and […]

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