air show

Preliminary Report Into Snowbirds Crash

Sep 22, 2022 | 5:13am

An improperly assembled oil filter is being identified as the cause of a Canadian Snowbirds Jet to crash in Fort St John BC last August. The Snowbirds had just finished performances at the air show in that community, and the plane was being ferried back to Moose Jaw, the home base of the air demonstration […]

Pilot uninjured, jet damaged in Snowbirds ‘incident’ during takeoff in B.C.

Aug 2, 2022 | 7:22pm

A Snowbirds pilot escaped physical injury today, landing a jet after an incident during takeoff in northern British Columbia. The Royal Canadian Air Force tweeted Tuesday evening to say it will be investigating what happened at the Fort St. John, B.C., airport, but is releasing few details. The plane was damaged and it’s not clear how the Snowbirds performance […]

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