Dunlop Art Gallery at the Regina Public Library is installing two new murals highlighting Métis heritage. The murals, called “All My Relations” and “For Clémence”, were created by Canadian artist Daphne Boyer in tribute of her mother and grandmother. Tomas Jonsson with RPL says he’s excited to be able to share Boyer’s story through her […]
The Regina Downtown Business Improvement District has opened submissions for its Urban Canvas public art program. Program coordinator Janell Rempel says six pieces of artwork will be chosen and installed as vinyl wraps on five traffic control boxes along with one large mural. Artists who plan to submit their artwork for the mural will need […]
A painting by Victoria-era artist Sir Frederic William Burton is headed back to Ireland on a long-term loan from the Saskatchewan government. The painting of Mary Palliser—the sister of Irish explorer John Palliser who first found what is known as the Wascana Creeks system–was made 149 years ago and was bequeathed to the Saskatchewan Archives […]
The Regina Downtown Business Improvement District unveiled the 2020 edition of the Urban Canvas project. 13 artists were selected to produce a unique design for doors in the back alley between Hamilton and Scarth Streets in Regina’s downtown. RDBID manager for visitor services Lindsay Desrochers says there’s a number of reasons why this is an […]
Downtown will be full of life Sunday night for the sophomore edition of Nuit Blanche Regina. The free art festival will feature a variety of pieces from sculptures and sound art to spoken word and theatre in a number of locations. Michelle Harazny, the artistic director for Nuit Blanche Regina, believes it’s an opportunity to […]