Canada Day

ECCC Confirms five tornadoes on Canada Day

ECCC Confirms five tornadoes on Canada Day

Jul 16, 2024 | 10:53am
Environment and Climate Change Canada has confirmed five tornadoes here in Saskatchewan on Canada Day.   All five tornadoes had no damage and were rated as EF-0, which is the lowest rating for a twister.  Three took place by Crescent Lake between 4:23 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.. One was at Gull Lake at 2:20 p.m. and […]
Happy Canada Day!  Here is what is open in Regina Today

Happy Canada Day! Here is what is open in Regina Today

Jun 30, 2024 | 11:59pm
Civic Offices:                                  Closed Landfill:                                            Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.* Leaf & YardWaste Depot:                                  Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.*                                                             *Entry gates close 15 minutes early Waste Collection (Garbage, Recycling, Food & Yard): will be picked up as usual as per schedules. All Regina Public Library (RPL) locations […]

SGI & Sask. RCMP remind drivers to not drive impaired

Jul 1, 2023 | 10:32am

SGI is reminding residents to drive sober this Canada Day long weekend. According to SGI, police caught 476 people driving after exceeding the legal limits of alcohol or drugs, including 206 Criminal Code charges and 270 administrative suspensions for exceeding provincial limits in May. An impaired driving offence can result in licence suspensions, vehicle impoundments, […]

Canada’s Team enjoys playing on Canada Day long weekend

Jul 1, 2022 | 2:57pm

Even though hockey is the sport Canada is most renowned for, with sizzling summer temperatures it seems fitting the gridiron game will be the one celebrating our nation’s birthday with a series of Canadian Football League (CFL) games to recognize the beauty of sport within the country. Traces of Riderville are sprinkled everywhere in Canada […]

Government House has lots to do on Canada Day

Jun 30, 2022 | 12:00pm

Inside and outside of Government House will be a hive of activity on Canada Day. Things begin at 1 at Government House Canada Day, said Carolyn Spiers of the Lt.-Gov. office. “And it is Lt.-Gov. Russ Mirasty and Donna Mirasty’s first opportunity to host people, so they’re really looking forward to having people on the […]

Saskatchewan communities celebrate Canada Day

Jun 30, 2022 | 11:37am

Canada Day will be celebrated in many communities across the province. In Moose Jaw, Crescent Park is the place to be from 11 to 4 p.m. Performers will hit the stage in the Amphitheatre at 1 p.m. The Moose Jaw Kinsmen will provide the fireworks once again in the Hamilton Flats area in the evening. […]

Provincial parks plan activities for Canada Day

Jun 28, 2022 | 3:12pm

Provincial parks are going to be the place to be on Canada Day. The province announced that each participating park will have crafts like floatie races, cake and cupcakes, trivia games and park ventures with clues and directions. Many parks are participating, including Buffalo Pound, Rowan’s Ravine, Cypress Hills, Candle Lake, Moose Mountain, Duck Mountain, […]

Regina mayor encourages residents to reflect on Canada Day

Jul 1, 2021 | 10:38am

Some Saskatchewan communities are going ahead with Canada Day celebrations, while others have chosen to postpone or shift their celebrations. Regina cancelled its Canada Day festivities back on May 14 due to COVID-19. However, this was before the discovery of unmarked graves at residential school sites, which has motivated some Canadians to spend the day […]

Moe hopes Canada Day 2021 can be a learning experience

Jul 1, 2021 | 9:52am

Canada Day will not look the way it normally does in our province as many communities are passing up on festivities in the wake of last month’s discovery of 751 unmarked graves on the Cowessess First Nation at the site of a former residential school. Premier Scott Moe has no problem with communities doing what […]

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