Canadian Cancer Society

Canadian Cancer Society thrilled with province’s decision to consider vaping regulations

Oct 28, 2019 | 8:10am

The provincial government has announced it will be discussing vaping regulations during the fall session, and the Canadian Cancer Society is thrilled by the news. This is something the society has been fighting for in Saskatchewan, since most of the country already has regulations in place. Health policy analyst with the Canadian Cancer Society Donna […]

Saskatchewan leads country in smoking rates

Jul 2, 2019 | 12:00pm

The Canadian Cancer Society continues to lobby the Saskatchewan government to institute measures which will reduce smoking in the province. A recent survey shows 20 per cent of people in Saskatchewan are smoking which tops the numbers when compared to other provinces. The national average is 16 per cent. While that number is better than […]

SK government once again being called on to introduce vaping legislation

Jun 21, 2019 | 11:28am

The call to introduce legislation on vaping is being made again. The Canadian Cancer Society makes the call after a Canadian study released in the British Medical Journal showed a dramatic rise in youth vaping and youth smoking with reports that students in Grade 5 and 6 are vaping. Spokesperson Donna Pasiechnik says the government […]