It’s a busy time of year for many people, but it’s been very busy for those in retail. Stores and malls have been busy this month as shoppers try to find themselves that perfect gift. “It’s been a very busy time for our local retail, and restaurants and shops, and I think people have responded […]
Mayor Sandra Masters shared personal and professional opinions on a wide range of topics at the Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Friday morning. The Chamber hosted a Breakfast with the Mayor event, giving chamber members and local businesses the opportunity to ask Masters questions on relevant city situations. “I think they’re all fair (questions). I think […]
The Saskatchewan Party government’s four point plan for their sudden, resource revenue-driven 1 billion surplus that was announced yesterday is getting a mixed bag of reactions. It’s getting a thumbs up from the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, but a thumbs down from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. The Chamber said that while they are pleased […]
The Canadian High Commissioner to the U.K., Ralph Goodale, delivered a keynote message to the Canada-UK Chamber of Commerce this week. Goodale highlighted the brutal war of aggression by Russia on Ukraine this year. He says the attack is causing much death, destruction and human agony across Ukraine. Goodale called it aggression at its worst, […]
The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce has a new CEO. Prabha Ramaswamy has been chosen to fill the post.. CEO of the non-profit, membership-based organization Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan (WESK) since 2014, Ramaswamy has demonstrated a strong commitment to helping Saskatchewan realize its economic potential by driving change to close the gender entrepreneurship gap. During her […]
Longtime Regina & District Chamber of Commerce CEO John Hopkins passed away earlier this week. Hopkins’s passing comes after a battle with stage four prostate cancer that he was diagnosed with in 2018. Lori Ireland, board chair of the Regina and District Chamber of Commerce, said that all of Regina has a heavy heart. “Everybody […]
The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce has released the results of its recent survey on vaccine passports and COVID-19 safety passports. Members were asked to share their input on topics including vaccine verification protocols, current safety protocols and considerations if a fourth wave of COVID-19 were to trigger more restrictive measures. When asked about if vaccine […]
One of Regina’s finest citizens was recognized for 20 years of dedicated service to the business community. The Regina Chamber of Commerce celebrated their CEO, John Hopkins and his achievement yesterday by hosting a barbecue at the Loblaw’s Warehouse. Looking back on his time as CEO with the Chamber noted that the people he’s met […]