Chronic Wasting Disease

Sask hunters reminded to drop off animal heads for chronic wasting disease testing

Dec 1, 2022 | 2:08pm

  Hunters in Saskatchewan are being reminded to drop off their animal heads for chronic wasting disease testing. Testing is free and available for deer, elk, moose and caribou from any zone in the province, but the priority is along the boreal fringe and the eastern border. Chronic Wasting disease is a fatal and infectious […]

Sask helps fund research for vaccine for chronic wasting disease

Jan 26, 2022 | 9:20am

  The Saskatchewan government is partnering with the Alberta government and the Alberta Conservation association to fund chronic wasting disease research. The goal of the 1.3 million dollar project is to develop a vaccine for chronic wasting disease over the next five years. Environment minister Warren Kaeding says a vaccine could assist in reducing challenges […]

Sask hunters asked to help in surveillance of Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, moose and elk

Sep 15, 2021 | 10:22am

The Saskatchewan ministry of Environment is again asking hunters to submit the heads of deer, moose and elk harvested this season for testing for chronic wasting disease. Officials say the testing is easy and free in all wildlife zones. Environment minister Warren Kaeding says hunters play a key role in detection and surveillance of chronic […]

Sask hunters reminded to submit animal heads for testing

Nov 26, 2020 | 11:08am

  The Saskatchewan ministry of the Environment says with hunting season winding down, hunters are reminded to get their animals tested for chronic wasting disease. 84 cases of chronic wasting disease have already been identified in the province this year. The disease is a fatal, infectious central nervous system disease in deer, elk, moose and […]

Hunters in Saskatchewan reminded to help in CWD monitoring program

Sep 12, 2020 | 11:33am

The provincial government is asking for the help of hunters when it comes to monitoring the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease. Richard Espie from the ministry of environment says CWD was first found in Saskatchewan in 1996, and spread to wild mule deer in 2000. It now can be found in deer, elk and moose. […]

Province Prepares to Track Chronic Wasting Disease

Sep 29, 2019 | 3:00pm

The Saskatchewan Environment Ministry is once again testing for Chronic Wasting Disease this year. The ministry’s Edith Stasiak said hunters are encouraged to turn in the heads of deer, moose, elk and caribou. She said it’s important to get as many samples as possible to track the incurable nervous system disease. Stasiak noted how it […]

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