COVID vaccinations

“Vaccinations are a personal choice” – Premier Scott Moe

Jan 7, 2022 | 4:31pm

The Provincial government is drawing a line in the sand regarding vaccine mandates. From Ottawa January 7th,  Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos suggested vaccine mandates were going to be left up to individual provinces. In a statement from Scott Moe issued shortly after the Minister’s comments – the Premier said the province has no plans […]

54 New Cases of Covid-19 in Saskatchewan

Dec 16, 2021 | 1:46pm

The province is reporting 54 new cases of COVID-19 today. Of the new cases 17 are in the Regina area, 21 are in the Saskatoon zone, and 7 are in the Central East Region. Hospitalizations are up by 1, bringing that total to 106 with 35 patients in the ICU The active case count is […]

Meili says vaccine rollout plan is not working

Sep 9, 2021 | 5:25pm

The opposition party in the province believes the provincial government have spent too much time on the sidelines and now it’s time to get back to work. NDP leader Ryan Meili spoke today outside the legislature calling for Premier Scott Moe to get back to work and figure out a better vaccine plan for the […]

Sask. Health Minister says it’s an individual choice to get the vaccine

Aug 25, 2021 | 6:15pm

The province’s health minister was on the hot seat today as he answered questions about COVID-19. Paul Merriman says that the decision on vaccination shots should be made by the individual themselves and not the government. “I don’t know why it has to be a government mandate, the individual should make the choice whether they […]

Saskatchewan COVID vaccination eligibility expands to 42 and older

Apr 27, 2021 | 2:50pm

The age restrictions for COVID vaccinations across the province is dropping Wednesday, but not as much as expected. Saskatchewan residents over the age of 42 will be able to receive their COVID vaccines across the province, with the exception of the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District, where residents 30 and older will be able to receive […]

Three more deaths, 221 more COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan

Apr 4, 2021 | 1:49pm

The provincial government is reporting 221 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan Sunday, with Regina accounting for just over half of them with 112. The remaining cases came from Saskatoon (27), the south east (26), the south central (15), the central east (13), The north west (7), the far north east (7), the north east […]