Canadian Taxpayers Fed. says province needs to control spending after credit rating downgrade

May 25, 2021 | 6:36am

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) say the Saskatchewan government needs to control their spending after the province’s credit rating was downgraded. CTF Prairie Director Todd MacKay says with the pandemic causing additional spending in areas like healthcare, the province needs to find ways to save money elsewhere. “Spending is going up across the board, almost […]

Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation hoping to see a reserved federal budget

Apr 19, 2021 | 7:40am

The federal government comes out with their first budget in two years on Monday, and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has created a wish list of sorts. Federal Director Aaron Wudrick says he would like to see some spending control in Ottawa with this budget. “We’ve obviously spent hundreds of millions that we had not planned […]

Province to resume tax indexation in New Year

Dec 29, 2020 | 11:05am

Starting January 1st, the Government of Saskatchewan will once again index provincial tax brackets to inflation, protecting residents from paying higher income taxes. Prairie Director of the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation Todd MacKay says the government’s decision is a move in the right direction. “It’s the right thing to do, my only criticism here is they […]

Taxpayers Federation hoping to see Sask hold referendum on equalization

Jun 22, 2020 | 6:00am

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is asking Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe to follow in the footsteps of Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and hold a referendum on equalization. Prairie Director for the CTF, Todd MacKay, says that equalization is unfair to the prairie provinces, and that Saskatchewan needs to partner with Alberta, in order to have a […]

19 policies for federal parties to adopt during election campaigns

Sep 7, 2019 | 1:00pm

With the federal election a month and a half away, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has released its “policy wish list” before Election Day. The list shares 19 policies which the federation is encouraging each party adopts during their 2019 campaigns. The proposals are spread out in three different categories: spending and management, taxation and accountability […]

CTF tours the country saying taxpayers are losing out on money without pipelines in Canada

Jun 7, 2019 | 7:30am

People in Saskatchewan and Canada are losing money because governments are blocking pipelines. This from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation who stopped in Regina on Thursday to discuss the issue on a country-wide tour. Alberta Director Franco Terrazzano says Canada needs a working regulatory system so it can build these large pipeline projects that create jobs. […]