A lighter story from the files of Regina’s dedicated officer, Cst. Mike “Hawkeye” Seel, who recently shared an amusing incident on his social media account. Cst. Seel took to Twitter to recount a traffic stop involving a driver who was caught watching a video on her phone while behind the wheel. The driver hastily justified […]
Last week was proclaimed distracted driving awareness week in Saskatchewan. “While we have made important strides in reducing the number of injuries and fatalities caused by distracted driving collisions, there are still far too many people hurt or killed in our province by this dangerous activity,” Minister Responsible for SGI Don Morgan said. “Traffic safety […]
SGI’s October traffic safety focus is on distracted driving. Spokesperson Tyler McMurchy, says an average of 877 people have been injured each year in collisions caused by driver distraction and inattention on Saskatchewan roads. “Those collisions also caused an average of 26 fatalities per year, McMurchy said. “So that’s much higher than average, in fact […]
SGI wanted people to “keep their heads out of their apps” in March, but a few hundred didn’t listen. SGI says 592 tickets were handed out by police across the province for holding or using their cellphones while behind the wheel while another 93 were issued for those driving without due care or attention. Jennifer […]
Saskatchewan Government Insurance has released their numbers from October’s Traffic Safety Spotlight, which shined a light on distracted driving in the province. And what the light revealed wasn’t pretty. Tyler McMurchy, manager of media relations with SGI, said on Thursday morning that police caught 658 people driving distracted and were issued a ticket. The majority […]
“Keep your eyes on the road ahead – everything else can wait” is the latest campaign message from Saskatchewan Government Insurance to discourage drivers from driving distracted. The new awareness campaign shows the devastating consequences of distracted driving by sharing a 60-second commercial based on actual experiences of collisions from Saskatchewan first responders. The commercial […]
CAA Saskatchewan is launching a new distracted driving campaign called #unpluganddrive. Spokesperson Christine Niemczyk says the campaign is targeted at the younger generation of drivers. “This campaign really talks to a generation, perhaps, that are still using their mobile phone, sometimes not only just for phoning or for texting,” said Niemczyk. “We’re finding that with […]
June was a busy month for police across Saskatchewan. Tyler McMurchy, spokesperson with SGI, noted that 700 drivers received tickets for distracted driving during the month’s traffic safety spotlight. “We wanted to remind people in June, even if they hadn’t been driving a lot lately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that distracted driving is still […]
The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan is offering people needing to pay off their distracted driving ticket another option. The society’s Fine Option program allows residents to work volunteer hours in the community rather than having to pay up, a financially friendly option for drivers who are caught distracted driving and are handed a $580 fine […]