It’s an area of farmland Ryan Maurer says is worth as much as a Lamborghini. High run-off flooded one of his fields in spring 2022, leaving shallow pools of water. This was before the farmer opened ditches to drain it. “Would you take your Lamborghini and park it in a slough?” Maurer asked on his […]
Lane Mountney spreads a map over his kitchen table at his farmhouse in southeast Saskatchewan, pointing to yellow and orange arrows slithering across the document. Many of the arrows represent existing channels and ditches, moving across fields and out of wetlands to drain water. The arrows eventually make their way to a creek, causing what […]
Saskatchewan’s Water Security Agency is offering free farm workshops this winter on water management. Agency spokesperson Patrick Boyle says free half-day workshops are being offered online and in-person until April. He says scheduled in-person workshops will begin in March. The course covers various water control practices like surface ditches, tile drainage, wetland consolidation and […]
The Water Security Agency is providing up to one million dollars in new funding for channel clearing and maintenance for constructed agricultural drainage projects. The funds are available for local governments, including RM’s, Conservation and Development Area authorities and Watershed Associations. The expanded eligibility includes maintenance for constructed drainage projects. Previously, only natural watercourses qualified […]
The Water Security Agency is offering free online workshops for farmers to plan water drainage projects in a changing climate. The workshops, called AgH2Onward, will introduce farmers to the Agricultural Water Management program in Saskatchewan, the process and benefits of drainage approvals, and techniques to best manage water on their land. The free workshops […]
The second of a three-year, $15 million drainage improvement project begins Monday in the North Central community. “This major drainage project will help prevent ponding during large storms and reduce the risk of basement and street flooding to over 450 homes within the neighbourhood,” says Kim Onrait, Executive Director of Citizen Services. The project […]