
Pair of councilors receive no reprimand after violating Code of Ethics bylaw

Jun 23, 2023 | 6:00am

Regina city council is looking to put any “drama” behind them as council voted not to reprimand Councillor Dan LeBlanc and Andrew Stevens for their role in a December 2022 lawsuit against City Manager Nikki Anderson. Council would instead vote 7 to 2 to reiterate their disappointment over the lawsuit’s negative impact on the council’s […]

City Manager doesn’t want apology from Councillors who took her to court

May 11, 2023 | 1:32pm

An Integrity Commissioner report was presented at Wednesday’s Regina city council meeting about a December 2022 lawsuit against the City Manager. The report recommended that City Council request that Councillors Andrew Stevens and Dan LeBlanc provide a written apology to City Manager Niki Anderson for their lawsuit’s negative impact on her professionally and personally. Anderson said […]

Former Regina councillor hopes city council can put drama ‘behind them’

Feb 21, 2023 | 6:00am

Despite passing a budget and approving funding for a temporary homeless shelter, the drama at Regina’s city council has continued to take the spotlight. It was back in late November that Councilor Dan LeBlanc filed a lawsuit representing Councillor Andrew Stevens, and a community member brought a lawsuit against City Manager Nikki Anderson in an […]

Creative Kids Sask Looking for Donations

May 11, 2022 | 11:21am

Food and water are the basics we need to maintain a healthy body, but we also need to feed the spirit. For children, getting involved in the arts like music, dance, the visual arts can be a challenge. That’s where Creative Kids Sask comes in. They help families get their kids involved in the arts […]

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