SGI is reminding residents to drive sober this Canada Day long weekend. According to SGI, police caught 476 people driving after exceeding the legal limits of alcohol or drugs, including 206 Criminal Code charges and 270 administrative suspensions for exceeding provincial limits in May. An impaired driving offence can result in licence suspensions, vehicle impoundments, […]
The Parole Board of Canada is saying no to a request for full parole for a woman convicted of killing a Saskatoon family of four while driving impaired. The board says full parole is premature for 54-year-old Catherine McKay and that she will remain on day parole for six months. The board adds McKay has […]
A 45-year old Caronport man has received his sentence after pleading guilty to drinking and driving related charges that took the lives of two teenagers from Sherwood Park, Alberta and seriously injured another In September of 2020, Christopher Rempel was behind the wheel of a truck that hit a SUV on a highway near the […]
A fatal rollover near Kindersley could have been much more tragic. Kindersley RCMP say they attended on a crash on a grid road near Beadle just off of Highway 7 just before midnight Sunday. An initial investigation shows a vehicle with eight people was travelling northbound on the grid road when it rolled multiple times. […]
The first ever “National Survey On Driving After Alcohol, Cannabis and Drug Use” done for Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada did not produce flattering results. The poll, conducted between May 28 and June 8 by IPSOS asked Canadians across the country a variety of questions about consumption of alcohol, cannabis or a non-prescribed illicit drug […]
RCMP say a 22-year-old Regina man is facing impaired driving charges after being caught going well over the 110 kilometer per hour speed limit near Bethune on Highway 11. The incident happened April 21 north of the town with RCMP saying the driver was arrested with open liquor being found at the front of the […]
SGI is telling drivers in our province its traffic focus for February is catching impaired drivers behind the wheel. The message from SGI is getting caught driving while impaired simply isn’t a good thing even if you didn’t crash your car or hurt or killed anyone as the consequences remain. Those consequences relate to impoundment, […]