RCMP are asking for the public’s help after 1,300 bushels of durum seed were stolen The theft happened from a property five miles South of Ponteix. It is believed that the theft occurred between April 28th and May 5th If you have information about this crime, please contact the Ponteix RCMP at 306-625-6400 or you […]
Agriculture Canada says a new durum wheat variety is the first in the world to show intermediate resistance to fusarium head blight. Developed by wheat breeder Dr. Yuefeng Ruan of the Swift Current Research Centre, the new lines leverage genetic technologies to bolster resistance to fusarium. The first variety is known as DT 2009, […]
The latest cash prices for wheat on the SaskWheat website show the highest level in northwest Saskatchewan. There is a 32 cent a bushel price range for spring wheat across Saskatchewan. The price of number 1 red spring wheat, 13.5 percent protein, is 9.49 a bushel in the northwest, compared to 9.17 in the […]
The latest Sask Wheat outlook says world wheat futures fell sharply last week as the debate about the unresolved export tax issues in Russia continued to dominate markets. The outlook says North American wheat is increasingly competitive on the world market but until the Black Sea grain market settles down, the extent of any […]
The latest outlook from SaskWheat says prairie farmers hauled 21.1 million tons of wheat to market in the crop year ending August 1st. Farm deliveries were up 13 percent from the year before. Wheat exports for the crop year were 18.4 million tons, up 12 percent or 2 million tons from last year. Durum […]