duty to consult

Sask Party kills Opposition’s ‘Duty to Consult’ bill

Apr 20, 2023 | 2:28pm

The Saskatchewan Party government has defeated a bill from the Opposition NDP that it says would have bolstered relations with Indigenous people in the province. The NDP says the bill called for a more robust consulting process with Indigenous groups when the province sells Crown land and changes policies that would affect the environment. It […]

NDP criticizes Sask. Party’s Duty to Consult talks

Oct 19, 2022 | 4:32am

The Offical Opposition is calling on the Sask. Party government to overhaul the Duty to Consult process instead of making amendments. Duty to Consult is when the Government must consult with First Nation and Metis communities to fulfilling its legal obligation to consult and accommodate First Nation and Métis communities in advance of decisions or […]

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