Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School

Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School switching to online learning due to COVID-19

Feb 3, 2021 | 10:48am

A third case of COVID-19 has been found at Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School according to Prairie Valley School Division. The school is now moving to Level 4 of the Safe Schools plan, requiring all students in all grades to start online learning Thursday. Students are scheduled to return to in-class learning on Feb. 22. Bert […]

Second classroom closing at Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary after COVID-19 diagnosis

Jan 29, 2021 | 6:11am

Public Health has informed the Prairie Valley School Division of an additional positive COVID-19 diagnosis in an individual associated with Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School. As a result a second classroom is transitioning to online learning until February 10th. Those considered close contacts have been contacted and instructed to isolate for 14 days. Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary […]

COVID-19 case found at Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School

Jan 27, 2021 | 7:41am

The Prairie Valley School Division says a person associated with the Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School has been diagnosed with COVID-19. One classroom is transitioning to online learning until February 8th. Those considered close contacts have been contacted and instructed to isolate for 14 days. Fort Qu’Appelle Elementary School will remain open, and all other classes […]

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