
Alcohol excise tax capped at 2 per cent for two more years, Freeland announces

Alcohol excise tax capped at 2 per cent for two more years, Freeland announces

Mar 10, 2024 | 10:08am
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland says the federal government will cap the annual alcohol excise tax increase on beer, spirits and wine at two per cent for an additional two years. The alcohol excise tax had been set to rise on April 1 by 4.7 per cent, tied to inflation, but Freeland announced today that the […]
Saskatchewan introduces bill on withholding carbon tax on natural gas

Saskatchewan introduces bill on withholding carbon tax on natural gas

Nov 16, 2023 | 1:39pm
The Saskatchewan government has introduced legislation that it says would enable it to stop remitting the federal carbon tax on natural gas bills while providing legal protection for those at its energy Crown corporation. The Saskatchewan Party government announced last month that SaskEnergy would stop remitting the carbon tax on natural gas on Jan. 1 in response to Ottawa’s […]

Moe joins those upset with treatment of Freeland in Grande Prairie

Aug 28, 2022 | 7:35am

Add Premier Scott Moe’s name to the chorus of past and present elected officials calling out agitators’ behaviour against deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Freeland was harassed by protestors shouting profanity and calling her a traitor as she entered an elevator in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Former deputy Conservative leader Lisa Raitt, current Alberta Premier Jason […]